Saturday, November 7, 2009

Make a Stable or Barn Crafts for a Christmas Nativity Scene

There are many characters available for Christmas nativity scenes, but the barn or stable seems to be missing. Even finding one at a reasonable price is difficult, especially including shipping.

You can make your own Christmas nativity scene stable or barn with very little effort. You don't even have to be good at crafts. Most of our crafts are needlework and fabric crafts, and this is an invention we needed for use with some cross-stitch characters--Joseph, Mary, shepherds, baby Jesus and sheep and cows.

This barn or stable takes only a cardboard box and tape, but you may want to use sphagnum moss or cover the box with fabric. The size of the nativity scene you have will determine the size of the box you need to use.

 You are recycling the box and reusing your old nativity scene characters. The world thanks you!


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